Moi believers were getting a stretcher ready to transport Bababo to the missionaries’ village for medical help when Rich Brown and a visiting friend arrived on Friday.

The teenage wife, believed to be between four and seven months pregnant, was unconscious and the missionary team suspected cerebral malaria.

Arriving back at the missionaries’ village an hour away, Steve Crockett’s assessment wasn’t encouraging. He, along with most everyone else, thought she didn’t have much life left in her.

Missionaries believe that Bababo had recently trusted in Christ after hearing evangelistic Bible lessons and through the witness of other believers.

Her husband, Aboi, “is a bright bubbly light for Christ,” wrote Carolyn Crocket. He became a believer, along with his older brother Awayo, when missionaries presented the Gospel a year and a half ago.

“It’s been a real testimony to see the Moi believers’ faith in God during this difficult time,” wrote Karen Brown. “They’ve been selfless in praying for her and even carrying her through the jungle to get help.”

Bababo was comatose for 48 hours before awakening. While unconscious she had a miscarriage.

Though her condition is still serious there are some encouraging signs. She is drinking fluids through a syringe and tries to talk, but her speech is still unintelligible.

“We are praying that with more rest and further malaria treatment she will keep recovering,” wrote Karen. “We pray that she may recover fully and that God may use her life for His ultimate glory.”

“Please pray … that Aboi and the rest of us may find comfort as we wait to see what God chooses to do.”

“These folks have such hard lives and yet we continue to be amazed at how they are responding to the knowledge of God’s love for them. Rather than misery there is real joy.”