“I am so thankful for the ’family’ the Lord has raised up for me here,” wrote missionary Darcy Berglund.

Toti, a Semandang believer, just graduated from high school and is home working and saving up some money for college. She is staying with Darcy.

Another of Darcy’s “adopted daughters,” Lia, recently came to visit for a few days. She brought her husband and 4-month-old girl, Rere, to meet Darcy.

“I was able to get some good grandma time with Rere and begin to build a relationship with Lia’s husband,” Darcy wrote.

Darcy continues to translate the Bible into the Semandang language. Six women come to her office each week to work on the translation project. Each has been setting aside one day each week to serve the Lord by helping Darcy with Bible translation.

“Even though the busy planting season is far from over with the focus being on getting the wet rice seedlings into the fields,” Darcy wrote, “they willingly give of their precious time to see God’s work going forward. They are such a joy and encouragement to me. Please pray that I will also be an encouragement to them.”

Pray for Darcy as she builds relationships among the Semandangs. Pray also for the growth and relationships of those helping to translate the Scriptures into the Semandang language.