God has answered the prayers concerning a Moi baby girl whose father attempted to kill her.

Traditionally, the Moi people place no value on the life of a baby. Often they are left to die if the parents already have a baby to take care of or if it is believed the baby is a result of adultery.

Missionaries Rich and Karen Brown and Steve and Carolyn Crockett had been taking care of the girl until they could find a home for her. Fortunately, the girl’s father and mother wanted her back.

But the Browns and the Crocketts made sure that the girl’s father wouldn’t try to kill her again.

Steve and Rich conversed with the father privately and then in front of other witnesses and family members to understand the change in his decision to keep his daughter.

“As I was thinking about the Hebrew midwives and Moses’ parents, I realized that they had to make a choice. They were told by Pharaoh to kill all Hebrew males. They thought, ‘Is man’s talk big or is God’s talk big?’ They made the right choice and obeyed God,” the father said.

“God convicted him of two things: that it is more important to obey God than man and that God places a high value on all life, including babies.” Rich wrote. “What he shared with us was an answer to all of our prayers. He admitted many times during our conversations that he would not try to kill her again.”

They brought the baby home to her parents. She immediately started nursing. Her parents prayed, thanking God for his goodness.

Praise God for changing the father’s heart. Please pray that he and his family will continue to glorify God.