Thirteen Moi believers came to be baptized recently as a public display of their faith. They braved the cold water as they delivered their testimonies.

Two women chose to be baptized despite their cultural fear of water. Baigowa declined getting baptized three years ago because of her fear but this time she was not afraid.

Ekeniai, a Moi “Big Man,” shared “his single heart of faith towards Jesus” with onlookers. Ditopiya, a 5-year-old, gave a clear testimony of his faith in Christ.

A few others were not ready to be baptized because they didn’t clearly understand Jesus’ finished work for them. Their reactions ranged from disappointment to frustration.

One man said, “Well, if they won’t baptize me then I’ll just do it myself!” His outburst shows the natural boldness of the Mois and their desire for community.

It is hoped that through time those who have not yet trusted in Christ will come to understand and believe. Please pray that the testimony and outward show of belief by those baptized will work in their hearts to guide them to the Lord.