Missionary Ron Berglund is thrilled to be witnessing the growth of the Semandang people.

There have been many changes since Ron and Nita Berglund first met the Semandang people in 1973. In the village, the church has more than 90 families with four men ordained as pastors and 15 men and women being trained for ministry.

The believers have quite a few projects on their hands.

A few years ago, a modern clinic was built in order to encourage a team of doctors and nurses to facilitate their medical program.

“For some time now, a team of medical workers has been making regular visits with the potential of eventually having some permanent staff that can operate this clinic,” Ron wrote.

A group of doctors and nurses is currently in the village and plans to stay for a week. The churches in the area have been notified and patients from various locations will travel to receive aid.

“This is so much different than the simple medical programs that we helped the churches begin years ago,” Ron wrote. “Please pray for this church and the future of their medical ministry in the area.”

The church has also established a music team. The team composes, performs and records Christian music in the Semandang language.

“I think now they have made at least three music CDs. They are becoming very technically capable,” Ron wrote.

The Semandangs are also working on reaching out to neighboring villages with the Word of God. They have helped another village establish a church and now the leaders from that village are ordained and taking responsibility for the ministry and outreaches to other villages.

“Steps of progress like these did not happen overnight,” Ron wrote. “We are so very privileged to have an active part in what God is doing here.”

Please pray for the Semandang leaders. Also pray for those being trained to teach and share God’s Word to those who have not yet heard.