A small church has a big problem.

About 20 Semandang families make up the small church and recently they began an outreach to area children. Last week so many attended there wasn’t enough room in the church to hold all the children who came.

The outreach, started by three Semandang believers and missionary Darcy Berglund, grew rapidly to more than 90 children.

“The attendance keeps going up each week,” Darcy wrote. “When I left it had gotten up to 93, then over a hundred the next couple of weeks. Last week they had 170 children.”

Two young women have joined the three who helped begin the work but five leaders are not enough to adequately handle all the children.

Darcy reported, “They are very well-behaved and quiet during the lessons, skits, etc. and are really growing in their understanding of the theme of God sending them a Redeemer. Pray for a clear understanding of their need of a Savior and of God’s love for each of them.”

Pray for the five believers who are teaching the children. Pray also that many children will understand the Gospel message and trust Christ as their Savior.