Working behind the scenes to make sure 17 missionary families have what they need in their church-planting work.

Curtis and Lesley Sewell are part of why tribal church planting can continue to progress.

They live in a more central location where there’s access to a large store. They only have to go to the next town over where they take their orders to fill. Sometimes those orders come through email and can look like this:

  • A case of soap
  • 3 Kilos of carrots
  • 10 boxes of top ramen
  • Chicken feed

And more.

This is a ministry that involves busy days of shopping, shipping, searching, weighing, packing, emailing, etc. They support 17 families with nine more on the way through this supply buying ministry. These folks live in very remote villages around the island where small planes and helicopters have to be used to get in and out.

Once the orders are bought, packed and weighed a flight has to be planned. All of the supplies are taken to the hangar to store for that scheduled flight.

Fresh takes on a new meaning as all fresh items like fruit and vegetables have to be bought the day before the flight so that the missionaries can receive them only a day old.

The missionaries are faithful to write notes of thanks and appreciation for this critical part of going and making disciples of every tribe, tongue and nation. Here are a few comments:

“Thank you so much for your faithfulness. Things would be so much harder for us without you.”

“We just wanted to let you know that we really appreciate … your heart in the ministry God has called you guys to! Thank you for serving us and allowing us to be in here where we are! I know our last supply order was huge and we know it took a lot of work and time to fill and get it shipped up to us. Because you were able to get all that in, we will be able to stay in here a whole lot longer!”

“We enjoyed some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for lunch … and so yummy after weeks without fresh goods.”

“Everything you bought us is working great! Hot water on demand after bucket showers heated up on the propane stove for a really long time makes a huge difference.”

Thank you for praying for this family and others who are co-workers together with God, reconciling the lost to Himself.