NTM Aviation is flying relief supplies to hard-hit areas of the Philippines.

The mission’s small aircraft and helicopter can get supplies into remote areas that are not otherwise accessible. So NTM Aviation is helping the Red Cross and others with relief efforts.

Two NTM missionary teams that were in the direct path of super typhoon Haiyan have reported weathering the storm well.

One family reported roof damage, but no injuries, and no fatalities among their neighbours, to whom they minister.

Another family’s home became a place of refuge for more than 100 people who lived closer to the water.

New Tribes Mission has been unable to contact another family that was directly in the path of the storm, but this is not seen as a cause for concern at this point because communication is often disrupted by storms such as this one.

Please pray for the recovery of the people of the Philippines. Pray that God uses this tragedy for good. Pray that God’s people are moved to emulate Him with compassion and generosity in the wake of this storm.

You can help.