After I completed high school at Numonohi Christian Academy (NCA) in Papua New Guinea (PNG), I returned to Canada with a plan to get my teaching degree and serve overseas as a missionary teacher. I did not think I would return to PNG but was open to go wherever the Lord saw fit to send me.

I have been a member of Ethnos Canada since 2011, after the death of my husband in 2010. Since then, I have seen God faithfully leading each step of the way, often only showing me short-term next steps. He opened the door for me to return to PNG to be the missionary teacher I had been dreaming of being for nine years.

While there were many transitions as I learned the curriculum for my class, the policies of the school and some details of living on the mission centre as an adult, the life and culture of PNG felt like coming home.

I initially came to PNG for two years as an associate but have since completed some mission training to return as a career member. I have now been teaching in PNG for the past seven years. In that time, I have taught kindergarten, first grade, fourth grade, and mostly recently, I co-taught fourth and fifth grade.

Each year has grown me as a teacher and provided opportunities for me to grow in my relationship with the Lord. It has been wonderful teaching at NCA—seeing kids’ engagement and excitement for learning motivates me. I love seeing how much they learn and grow in a year! At the same time, I get to be a part of PNG people hearing the gospel, being discipled, and reading the Bible in their own heart language.