Nathan: I grew up in a Christian home and was saved at the age of five. My parents have been with Ethnos Canada almost my whole life, and although I grew up hearing about cross-cultural missions, I wasn’t sure that it was what God wanted me to do with my life.

Natasha: I grew up in a Christian home and trusted in Christ’s sacrifice for me at a young age. During high school I went on a short term missions trip to Grenada, and through that God put an interest in full time missions into my heart.

After high school we both attended Nipawin Bible College, met there and got married. We were in the workforce for a few years until God showed us that He wanted us to be missionaries with Ethnos Canada.

After our training at Emanate in Durham, Ontario we moved to the Asia-Pacific region with the goal of being tribal church planters. Instead we filled in with supply buying, guest house keeping and other support roles. Now we are back in Canada and have transitioned back to the HQ in Durham where Nathan helps in the PR department as a web developer, and Natasha helps in various administrative roles in addition to homeschooling and homemaking.