Why we do what we do

God’s Word has many themes running through its pages. God’s plan of redemption is an important one.

In God’s plan of redemption, we find that the focus is on “unreached people groups”.

From Genesis 12:3 when God promises to Abram that through him all the families [ethnic groups] would be blessed, to the glimpse of the finish line we find in Revelation 5:9 and 7:9 of every “tribe, tongue and nation [ethnos]” worshipping around the throne, we see God on mission.

The Great Commission as articulated in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations [ethnos]” is another clear example of God’s determination to see believers from every ethnos in heaven.

It is for this cause that we are investing our lives—we want to see a thriving church for every people/ethnos.

To many, the funding model of Ethnos Canada is unique. We look to the Lord to provide for our financial needs through family, friends and churches.

Ethnos Canada does not fund our ministry. Both our personal wages and our ministry expenses (eg. travel for meetings) are paid out of donations designated for our ministry.

100% of gifts designated for our ministry are used for our ministry.

Our ministry roles

In order to see a thriving church established for every people, Jason works with a team to shape what people across Canada read, hear, touch and click from Ethnos Canada. This includes magazines, newsletters, websites and email updates.

Angie is on the oversight team for the K-12 school at Ethnos Canada, and teaches math to the children of staff and students at Ethnos.