We were married in 1972 in the Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada.  At that time neither of us were believers and we were not raised in Christian homes.  Both of us came to know the Lord in 1976 and started attending an Evangelical Free Church in 100 Mile House, BC where we were living and working at the time.  During these years we added our four children to our family, two sons and two daughters.  In 1986 we became burdened for reaching out to those who were without a Saviour and were challenged to join Ethnos Canada during a Missions Conference at our church.

After training in Durham, ON and Camdenton MO, we were accepted to the field of Mexico in 1989.  For the next 22 years in Mexico, we served in a variety of support roles:  bookkeeper, receptionist, NTM Mexico office oversight, dorm parents, guest house personnel, and maintenance.  In 2011 while we were on our year of Home Assignment it became clear to us that our youngest daughter (25 years of age at the time) was fighting a health battle.  She was eventually diagnosed as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and Lyme’s has since been added to the list and we decided it would be best to remain in Canada with her during this struggle to care for her needs on a daily basis.  As a result we have switched to a Missionary Care ministry in order to be available to her and also continue with Ethnos.