Where does Ethnos have opportunities for missionaries?

You’ll find opportunities everywhere Ethnos missionaries are: Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific, as well as North America, Europe and Australia. Locations vary, from isolated jungles to bustling cities, hot lowlands to cool mountainsides, and lush rainforests to arid areas. The climate varies accordingly. Most locations offer gorgeous scenery. All provide great opportunity for cultural awareness and enrichment. Opportunities abound for associates in support roles.

Can you tell me more about Emanate, Ethnos’ training program?

While career missionaries with Ethnos need to complete our training program, it is optional for Skilled Associate missionaries. Learn about training at Emanate and the Ethnos360 Bible Institute.

How are missionaries’ ministries funded?

Ethnos missionaries are not paid. They look to the Lord for provision of their financial needs, knowing God meets the needs of those who are in His service primarily through His people.

Ethnos gives missionaries training and support in effective and appropriate methods of developing financial partnerships.

Monthly support levels vary from country to country, and ministry to ministry. Please contact our home office for example amounts for your family size and possible ministry location.

What if I am in debt?

We consider each person’s situation regarding home mortgages, car payments and your ability to maintain these commitments while in the training or serving overseas on a case by case basis. Business matters, property arrangements and other situations involving finances must be satisfactorily arranged prior to entering the training or serving overseas as a Skilled Associate.

What is a wife’s role as an Ethnos missionary?

Ethnos sees family as an integral part of ministry. A key portion of the ministry missionaries have in the community at large is the example they set in living out their beliefs in the context of a healthy family lifestyle. Parents must seek God’s wisdom in working out the harmony of serving in ministry as they lead their family.

Ethnos expects a commitment of both husband and wife to ministry.  However, what that ministry looks like will vary depending on individual family needs and abilities.

Where will I live?

In most countries, furnished housing will be provided for you. Missionaries pay rent to maintain these apartments or homes. In other locations, missionaries will assist you in finding a suitable apartment to rent.

Will I be required to learn a foreign language?

While career missionaries will learn at least one new language, in most cases associate missionaries do not need to learn another language in order to perform their ministries. In the few situations where a second language is necessary, we’ll make that clear before you even apply. There may be opportunities for you to learn a foreign language. All instruction at Ethnos schools for missionaries’ children is in English.

What types of educational programs are available for my children?

Ethnos Canada desires to help parents ensure that children are educated properly, in line with the standards that exist in their home countries.

Available educational programs vary by location. Most of our missionaries home school their children. We actively support home-schooling parents, providing certified teachers to assist parents when available. Some children attend Ethnos schools while other children attend schools jointly operated by multiple mission organizations. There are also some children who attend national schools.

We encourage our missionaries to seek God’s guidance in this area in order to make the best educational decisions for their family.

What if I have been divorced and/or remarried?

A couple with divorce in their backgrounds will be considered for serving in Ethnos if divorce and remarriage took place prior to salvation. A divorced single person whose spouse has died will be considered for service in Ethnos. For more information, please contact us.

What if I’ve struggled in the past with moral issues?

By God’s grace, as we submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He conforms us over time to the image of Jesus Christ. Admission coaches will work with you to determine your readiness to serve with Ethnos.


Will equipment, supplies and materials be available for my ministry?

Generally, supplies and materials are available, although they may differ from what is commonly found in Canada.

Am I required to attend any training?

A pre-field orientation is required. It is held in Durham, Ontario.

What other ministry opportunities will I have?

Depending on the location, you may have opportunities to participate in local outreach, but such involvement will be limited by your fluency in the national language. During ministry breaks, we encourage you to visit remote areas in order to experience firsthand Ethnos’ passion and vision for taking the Gospel to unreached people.

How do I get started?

Contact us to start the process today.

Fill out my online form.