All Ethnos Canada Personnel must:

  • Agree with Ethnos Canada’s Statement of Faith
  • Have personal assurance of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ
  • Maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be involved in a local church
  • Be a consistent witness for Jesus Christ by maintaining a courteous, Christ-like attitude in dealing with people within and outside of Ethnos Canada
  • Desire to be part of a team effort to evangelize least reached people groups
  • Have high moral character with positive references and not have been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted
  • Understand that most Ethnos Canada ministry opportunities are physically, emotionally, and mentally challenging and that appropriate health in these areas is required
  • Be willing to trust God for financial and material needs
  • Have no preexisting school, auto or credit card debts without a repayment plan (some exceptions apply)
  • Not have a history of divorce, or divorce and remarriage, after salvation

In addition:

  • Career Missionaries must:
  • Skilled Associate Missionaries must:
    • Have training and/or experience consistent with the position. (Depending on the context, teachers may need to be credentialed or qualify for credentials, and have one year of classroom teaching experience.)
    • Be willing to commit to serve from six months to four years

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