After a drought of not finding any Sekadau believers who would step forward to be trained as Bible teachers for an outreach to another village, three men are now enthusiastically helping with the teaching.

“For a year or more we basically had no one here helping us,” wrote missionary Paul Gervasi. “It is a real encouragement to have some of these people coming again to learn how to teach and disciple.”

Ten adults in a small village are currently hearing God’s Word every Friday night. They have been very interested and involved in the lessons.

Training the Bible teachers and other responsibilities have kept Paul and his wife, Bella, busy. Paul teaches about eight times each week, prepares lessons and translates the Scriptures used in those lessons.

With two families of his co-workers on home assignment, Paul is feeling the stress of a heavier work load. He asks for your prayers “that I will do a good job with all that I need to do for the next three months.”

Pray too that the Sekadau Bible teachers will remain faithful and that those hearing God’s Word will understand the message and put their faith in Christ.