Why Train National Missionaries?

There are at least 15 million reasons that training national missionaries is good idea.

That’s how many men, women and children are in the people group that Jonathan and Ruth work among. They were the first couple from South Asia trained at NTM’s Missionary Training Center in Missouri, and now they’re back in South Asia and hard at work.

Relationships Are The Key

ededa260-3305-42ed-912c-1aae9882db35“What we are doing now is building relationships with one village rather than jumping from village to village,” Jonathan said.

Building relationships takes time but pays off, Jonathan said, and not only in a deeper understanding of the way the people think and of their language. They see the benefits in “people trusting us, people asking us questions like where we are from, why are we here and stuff like that. This, we pray, will build their confidence in us when we actually present the gospel.”

When people heard they spoke English fluently, Jon said, “they literally begged us to come teach. So we are using this to become part of the community and to build relationships.”

More Need Training

afa3c91b-0bb8-4f47-89fe-3739a82f2f1bAs 2015 came to a close, we gave you opportunities to help equip national co-workers. Your response was fantastic, with funds coming in to help a number of training programs.

Together we were able to help a number of Filipino families engaging in ministry in Malaysia. But we want to do more. NTM’s training programs in West Africa and Colombia are expanding and trusting the Lord for the resources to equip national co-workers.

Would you help with the funds needed to do this? A gift of $25 would help with textbooks and supplies, and you’ll know you’ve helped spread the gospel in a dark corner of the world.

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